
Indicates the authoritative variable type parameter for a polymorphic procedure. 1 2

toggle example
toggle example
toggle example

  1. what the dollar sign indicates is that this is a type variable which means we don’t know what type it is at declaration time. the type of this variable will be determined when the function is called.
    “Polymorphic Procedures, part 1” YouTube, uploaded by Jonathan Blow, Apr 1, 2015, https://youtu.be/BwqeFrlSpuI?t=228 

  2. the reason that we only use the dollar sign once is that the dollar sign tells us which argument is authoritative over what the type should be..
    “Polymorphic Procedures, part 1” YouTube, uploaded by Jonathan Blow, Apr 1, 2015, https://youtu.be/BwqeFrlSpuI?t=360 

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