
Jai is designed to not include the following:

  1. no god damn header files.
    “Ideas about a new programming language for games.” YouTube, uploaded by Jonathan Blow, Sep 19, 2014, 

  2. you can’t build a sufficiently low-level system with sufficiently high performance characteristics in a garbage collected language.
    “Ideas about a new programming language for games.” YouTube, uploaded by Jonathan Blow, Sep 19, 2014, 

  3. exceptions are silly at best, and horribly damaging at worst.
    “Ideas about a new programming language for games.” YouTube, uploaded by Jonathan Blow, Sep 19, 2014, 

  4. directives are part of the language; there is no preprocessor system.
    “Demo: Base language, compile-time execution.” YouTube, uploaded by Jonathan Blow, Oct 31, 2014, 

  5. we’re not afraid of pointers in the game industry. we need to use them.
    “Ideas about a new programming language for games.” YouTube, uploaded by Jonathan Blow, Sep 19, 2014, 

  6. FIXME: find this video reference (

jailang 2019 pixeldroid
programming pages theme v0.5.21 (