

f :: (a: $A) #body_text (A: ^Type_Info) -> string { <body-code> } - provide a procedure to generate source for the body of a polymorphic procedure. 1 2

See also:



toggle example

  1. you can have this #body_text directive that replaces this function body, and like a modify proc it takes the types and returns a string, and the string it returns is then fed by the compiler back into the compilation loop.
    “Polymorphic Procedures, part 2” YouTube, uploaded by Jonathan Blow, Apr 1, 2015, https://youtu.be/7Fsy2WaxLOY?t=2437 

  2. building a string and running the string is kind of overkill. That’s kind of big guns to bring to any fight, and a lot of time you don’t need it. Most of the time you would use [other language features]. But it’s a very powerful technique.
    “Polymorphic Procedures, part 2” YouTube, uploaded by Jonathan Blow, Apr 1, 2015, https://youtu.be/7Fsy2WaxLOY?t=2736 

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