Using the example layout

The example layout presents text, imagery and code together in a layout useful for showing how things work.

Images are optional and float to the left of the text when provided, stacking in mobile view.

Code listings are also optional. Multiple files are supported via a tabbed interface. Syntax highlighting is applied if a valid rouge syntax lexer is specified. See the layout api reference for usage details.

The diagram in this example shows the basic workflow when using the programming pages theme. First time setup involves having a current version of ruby and installing jekyll and bundler. Full installation details are available in the Installation Guide.

Once initialized, a site is ready for content to be authored and published. Please see Authoring Documentation and Publishing to GitHub Pages for additional information.

The code figures in this example are a Graphviz file ( and the command line to render it as an image. The diagram on this page was created this way.

digraph workflow {
  edge [color=grey55]
  node [fontname="helvetica"]

  node [shape=hexagon];
    P [label="ruby" color=grey55 fontcolor=grey55];
  node [shape=circle];
    J1 [label="ready"];
    J2 [label="refine"];
  node [shape=diamond style="filled" fillcolor=grey96];
    D1 [label="new site?"];
    D2 [label="looks good?"];
  node [shape=box style="filled,rounded" fillcolor=black];
    S [label="start" fontcolor=white fontname="helvetica bold"]
    E [label="end" fontcolor=white fontname="helvetica bold"];
  node [shape=box style=""];
    T1 [label="gem install jekyll bundler" fontname=times];
    T2 [label="jekyll new <site-name>" fontname=times];
    T3 [shape=note label=" \n⬇\n" fontcolor=grey55];
    T4 [shape=note label="- theme: minima\l+ remote_theme: pixeldroid/programming-pages\l" fontname=times];
    T5 [label="bundle exec jekyll serve" fontname=times];
    T6 [label="open http://localhost:4000" fontname=times];
    T7 [label="edit files"];
    T8 [label="add files"];
    T9 [label="save"];
    T10 [label="git push" fontname=times];
    T11 [label="open https://<user><project>" fontname=times];

  { P -> S -> D1; rank=same; }
  D1 -> T1 [taillabel="yes       " labeldistance=1 penwidth=2 color=grey35];
  D1 -> T5 [taillabel="              no" labeldistance=1.5 penwidth=2 style=dashed color=grey35];
  subgraph cluster_setup {
    label="initial setup";
    T1 -> T2;
    T2 -> T3 [label="install theme.yml\lto _data/icons/\l"];
    T2 -> T4 [label="  edit _config.yml"];
    {T3 T4} -> J1;
  J1 -> T5;
  { T5 -> T6; rank=same; }
  subgraph cluster_revise {
    label="revision cycle";
    T6 -> D2 [constraint=false];
    D2 -> T10 [taillabel="     yes" penwidth=2 color=grey35];
    D2 -> J2 [taillabel="no\n " labeldistance=3.5 penwidth=2 style=dashed color=grey35];
    J2 -> {T7 T8} -> {T9} -> T6;
    T10 -> T11;
    T11 -> E;

$ dot -Tpng -Gdpi=72 -O
// creates at screen res (72dpi)

programming pages 2020 pixeldroid
programming pages theme v0.5.22 (