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As a code library, lsdoc provides utilities to write code that reads loomlibs and extracts data from them, and provides processors to transform that data into some result, like documentation, or a report. Custom processors can also be written, leveraging the api provided by lsdoc library.
The LSDoc class provides an entry point to load loomlibs for parsing, and then for retrieving populated data models.
Access to loomlib data is provided by the the following models, with LibModule at the root:
2018 pixeldroid
https://github.com/pixeldroid/lsdoc |
programming pages theme v0.5.10 (https://github.com/pixeldroid/programming-pages) |
s |
focus search bar ( enter to select, ▲ / ▼ to change selection) |
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go to api |
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g g |
go to guides |
h |
toggle this help ( esc also exits) |